We are a gathering of people from Erie and Crawford counties who are concerned that the US war on terrorism has become a permanent global war. We are committed to education and action to stop this "War on Terrorism." We want to stop the escalation and spread of such war and to work for true justice and peace.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feb 2nd Pittsburgh,Pa AFSC

Group from Erie going.....

CORRECTION: New date for brainstorming session on New Strategy for Peace movement.
The gathering of activists or would-be activists to Reconstruct our Peace and Justice Movements is scheduled for Saturday, February 2 at the Friends Meeting House 4836 Ellsworth Ave.
The time is 2:30PM (giving our friends of Black Voices for Peace time to get there) until 5PM
If you have an appleand I have an apple and weexchange these apples, thenyou and I will still eachhave one apple. But if you have an ideaand I have an idea and weexchange these ideas, theneach of us will havetwo ideas.

~ George Bernard Shaw
 That is why we want to get together and exchange ideas.
While many groups are working for peace and are opposing the military mindset of our society, we each have been pushing our little part of it with some success, but little notice by the general public or the media.
Several of us, involved with the American Friends Service Committee PA, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Code Pink, Peace Action, Anti-War Committee know that there are many more groups and individuals who contribute in their own way or would like to bring about a more peaceful world.
We believe that if we pool our efforts and ideas, that we could be a more powerful force and have more impact on events in Washington and the world.
Since President Obama’s election to a second term, he himself has said that he needs to hear from us, and so does the rest of our government.

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